Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Creative Writing

In my class for creative writing we are assigned the task of poetry. Each term he has a different theme (Fall is Screen Plays, WInter short stories, and spring is poetry) Now, I have always been a fan of poetry- though, I must admit, I don't know to much about it. The class though, has done a fairly decent job in opening up poetry to me- that one dosent just sit down, poop it out, and then be done. They, like stories, take revising.

Right now were focusing on free-verse. I have always liked free verse, to an extent. However, I cannot stand, with any bone, self-indulgent poems. (You know the ones.. "I prick myself with a rose, the blood red is my pain flowing") One new poem we found today was Russell Edson. He's a prose poet, which means his work reads like prose, though it is acctually a poem. My favoritve, thus far, is called;

The Automobile

A man had just married an automobile.

But I mean to say, said his father, that the automobile is not a person because it is something different.

For instance, compare it to your mother. Do you see how it is different from your mother? Somehow it seems wider, doesn't it? And besides, your mother wears her hair differently.

You ought to try to find something in the world that looks like mother.

I have mother, isn't that enough that looks like mother? Do I have to gather more mothers?

They are all old ladies who do not in the least excite any wish to procreate, said the son.

But you cannot procreate with an automobile, said father.

The son shows father an ignition key. See, here is a special penis which does with the automobile as the man with the woman; and the automobile gives birth to a place far from this place, dropping its puppy miles as it goes.

Does that make me a grandfather? said father.

That makes you where you are when I am far away, said the son.

Father and mother watch an automobile with a just married sign on it growing smaller in a road.

This poem makes me giggle :D But for tomorrow, I have to write a free-verse poem.. goody. I'm nervous. I can write, sure, but not poetry. I was just lucky my teacher liked my first poem, considering I spit it out in a few minutes!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


It is a little pathetic how out of shape I am. I did a bikeride today (Probably about.. 5-6 miles? ) which, on a bike, isn't -that- far.

However, On the way home. (For those of you who don't know, I lived on wenig, the street kennedy's on, only at the top of the 3 huge hills) so going anywhere is great, it's nearly all downhill! But comming home... well, The middle hill is hell. It's huge. It has a crap-load of gravel on it now from all the rain washing it down, and, of course, after the first 10 feet of momentum from the short downhill before it, it's a painful climb.

I thought I was going to die.

Now, I had biked nearly 6 miles at this point, and I am sick- (or I have horrible allergys, I haven't decided which I rather choose, but since I am going for pity, I'll say sick)- and i have to get up this hill, while just previously going up about 4 uphills, and already dying of breath... and then I have to climb it.

I am proud to say I made it. I am not proud though to say that, while I -did- make it, I nearly died.

Then again, I don't like exercising. I don't think it's particuarly fun... More of a hassle than anything, really. :(

Saturday, April 26, 2008

AP exams

The time has come to crack down beneath unwanted heaps of pressure, bury myself in a cocoon, and begin the long, ardorous trek that is the AP exam time. Now, I will admit, the timing is nice- it's not around finals, so I have only two classes to worry about now, history and LA. The bad thing is, it's early, which means with our crap-load of snow days we were forced into a smaller time for AP test-prep.

Then again, in history, I hardly use my teachers to study. I have noticed that questions on the exam usually deal with insignificant small details- those which you get only by prodding and wading through the depths of my textbook. Will I have to know about the German-born presbyterian minister Gotlied Mofftiffin-something, and how he stood against religious freedom? I don't know... but I do know it.

On the bright side, I studied for 8 hours today- 3 chapters- and I took a quiz over them and didn't miss -one- point. AT least my studying, however insane, works.

In AP LA however, I am not so focused on it. I do well on In-class essays, usually getting within the B+ to A range, and I am usually one of the higher scorers on multiple choice tests. I will study, obviously, but I feel like Mr. Ayers has prepared us well for it. (Thankfully) so it doesn't fall to my shoulders to cram.

I would also like to point out, that, while I study like a mad man perhaps, I don't slack all year then cram. I read every chapter, did all the homework... it's just that our teacher mainly covered either broad general ideas or useless side information about LBJ's bathroom habits.

I think a part of me just thinks that, if I don't get a 5 again, it'll be a bit degrading. Perhaps I set the bar to high with my first test, making it difficult now to achieve that again. :( And they say this APUS one is the hardest... gah.

Bad Hair Days

It will, I think, always be a mystery to me on how some days I can wake up and be blessed with beautiful hair- and then, the next morning, awake to find that my locks imitate something closer mutilated mop head. It baffles me. I don't do -anything- different. I shower, dry my hair, and sleep. It should culminate the same effects, right?


Today, I showered and I combed my hair out and did some studying as it air-dried a bit. Then, I finished it with a quick blow dry, and went to straighten my bangs. However, whatever I tired- hair spray, heat, mouse- my bangs would NOT stay down! They kept sticking out, as though I were struck with lightning! It's horrible, and I don't get it.

Also, I am always up for experimenting with my hair when I get time (weekends, usually) and often that means curling it. (I would curl it for school... but well, I don't want to wake up and extra hour to do it. I don't have that much narcissism in my body. :P ) but I've noticed that sometimes I can curl it, and it will be amazing- it will fall perfect, be smooth and soft, and stay in all day. Other times it wont take, or, it'll take too much and I'll look like a poodle.

I really don't get why my hair is so... untamable- but I -do- wish I had a private stylist to do m hair each morning. (Watching America's next top model makes me jealous, since they just sit and get their hair done :( )

I guess I could always be bald naturally.. that'd be a bit worse.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris in a cage- WHO WINS?

Bruce Lee definietly because Chuck Norris, at the height of his career, never knew all there was to know about martial arts.

Bruce Lee Vs. Chuck Norris AND Jackie Chan in a cage- WHO WINS?

I think bruce lee still, because Jackie Chan would just find a way to escape, and Chuck Norris would follow him, because a roundhouse kick,whilist deadly, isn't all that effective sometimes.

Now, what about...

Chuck Norris vs. Hellen Keller in a cage- WHO WINS?

I think Chuck Norris because 1. Hellen keller wouldn't be to great at smack talk and 2. She'd be constantly trying to find her way out.

Chuck Norris vs. Hellen Keller AND Charizard

Def. kell and Char. I mean, come on, he's a 7-foot tall pokemon who breaths fire... and well she can control him. Pokemon can't control themselves.


Chuck Norris and SEABISICUT vs. Geogre Bush and non-exisstant WMD.

... I think it's about even. Though Bush could prolly. ride seabiscut because he IS horse and Bush is from Texas... then again, Chuck norris could roundhouse kick bush, and Seabiscut could throw him off onto the WMD that dosen't exsist and he might have to die in shame.

Ok I'm done now.

Just think about these... you know you want to.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bad Movies

I've always wondered what sparks someone to create a movie that, by just -scanning- the brief description on the back cover, you know will be downright dreadful. Unmotivated actors, face full of obnoxious stereotypes, and of course a plot line that looks as though it was taken from the book of a second grader's writing.

At our local store, Family Video, they now have a selection of old VHS's avaible to rent. One, when I was searching through them, looked as though it'd be a -real- keeper.

I forget the title, but it was a kids how-to video. A how-to on keeping a pet, such as a hamster, dog or cat. As it said it had "Fun singalongs and cool animated characters!" And of course, it also dealt with the sorrow of losing a pet. (Dose that part have fun singalongs too?) The whole essence of the movie reeked, as though it were made on a 200 dollar budget. (Which it probably was).

Sometimes I think a bad movie is only bad due to the expectations, and the idea which, in production undoubtedly sounded good, but in practice were so very, very bad. Example? The Crocodile Hunter Movie Collision Course. Now I loved the crocodile hunter.. but seriously? Saying the CIA dropped some special spy thing and a crocodile ate it, whilst Steve Irwin had no idea what was going on... Well, Just watch it; you'll see for yourself.

Then there are movies like "Pumpkin" with Christina ricci that are... good in sentiment- a retarded boy, sorority girl, fall in love- but in accuctal play the acting is absolutely horrific. I love the part in that movie though, where the guy in the male fraternity she likes drives off a cliff, and before the car hits -anything- it bursts into flames. Then it falls about 500 feet. And later he's in the hospital without a single scratch.

Even though there bad though, without horrific movies, what would we laugh at? :P

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I forgot how fun it was to have a sleepover. It's been ages (Perhaps half a year, more) since I had my last one. In part, I think it's because I've grown, and the idea of sleeping, being unshowered, and hanging out is somewhat revolting- I absouletly hate the feeling of being unwashed in your clothes you slept in/wore the way before.

Even though currently I am in such a position. I should shower soon.

But, I also forgot how fun it was to stay up into the wee hours of the morning and watch god awful movies. Namely, "Breaker! Breaker!" starring CHUCK NORRIS. Now, I have never been a big chuck Norris woman- until I began to watch his movies.

They're absoueltly dreadful. Which is absouletly fun!

In Breaker Chuck Norris is a truck driver, who's little brother is stolen by these werid sadist-old men in a small town in California. SO Chuck (Or JD as he's called) has to fight a big polish guy, then go after them, and gets to the town and the retarted guy likes him but his brother tries to crush him in the car compactor, and norris is arrested, and for like, 10 miniutes hes being told he's being killed, and his face DOES NOT CHANGE. AT ALL. He dosen't even blink! Then Norris has random sex, the woman's child runs away, she somehow calls other truckers to breaker-breaker's side. Norris is shot, and so is the retarted kid, and this guy tells him his brothers in the barn, so Norris runs clutching his stomach, but, when the final battle comes- his shot wound is gone! Also, while he's beating this really creepy cop who felt up a boy, Norris's truck buddys destory the town with their 18-wheelers.

Then the towns destoryed and burning and Chuck drives away with his probably sicken, and almost dead brother.

:D We Also watched a ton of other movies. Yet, there's something so satisfactory in -bad- movies.

Up next? Lone Wolf McQuad and Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter :D

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Fashionista

I am prone, perhaps as much as anyone, to the effects and allure that advertising holds over us. If given a pleasing image, my eye takes it in ravenously, devouring the message into my subconscious because the mere image- which, more often than not- has little to do with the actual message.

Lately I have been drawn to fashion magazines. I am not merely talking your typical "Elle" or "Marie Clarie" but the true blue artsy ones like "i-D" and "Nylon". (Though, I do admit, the last is not as servere as the first two as it contains stuff to read, not merely photos of art.)

I have nearly become a slave to these magazines. I pour for hours over the photographs they contain, sucking it in as a sponge. Now, contrary to most, I do not use these for the sake of basing my personal style- i admire them for their value as art. I am an avid fantasy reader, and I have a wild imagination. These photos often idolize that in their beauty. They blend humans within costumes and situations of fantasy, of wild hair and clothing that would -never- appear beyond the confines of a photo or runway, and still you find yourself wondering how they are so dearly beautiful.

I have always been fascinated by talent, and while they may be emaciated models sporting clothing worth more than my house, I am in love. It inspires me, and I have little doubt that the pages from these books will soon adorn my walls as though they were wallpaper.

While I look down on the conditions of modeling, the size 00 body and all other restrictions, I admit that, like my counterparts in society, I am drawn to this odd facsination of starvation and beauty. More often than not, I am drawn to the fashion, to the creation a photographer has made and granted to be shown in the thin glossy pages of my magazines.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Not For APLA

So this isn't for my APLA assignment. It's just for fun.

This site is amazingly fun:

Apparently my name can make such combinations like;
Mangy Cereal Chin
A China Clergyman
Cancel Ye Harming
Enhance My Garlic
Angelic Car Hymen
Grey Machine Clan

I love my name. It's made the best anagrams so far out of all I tried :D

Pet Peeve's

There are a few, very distinct pet peeve's that annoy me. FOr the most part, they're pretty odd. Most might link a pet peeve to something like cracking knuckles (and yes, I cannot stand that, but it's not quite a pet peeve.) mine are more... unique.

For starters, I CANNOT stand it when your around someone who, when just sitting there blankly, has a mouth that hangs open. It's not that hard to close it.Seriously. It's so.. well, it's slightly disgusting to watch people sit there with their mouths hanging open, breathing. I don't know why but it bothers me. It really bothers me.

I also, cannot stand when people crack other parts of their body besides their knuckles. I mean, it's bad enough to seemingly snap your digits, but when people lean from side to side and i hear their back pop like a bag of popcorn I want to hurt them, if, for no other reason, to justify that popping sound.

Probably my biggest one though, is female mustaches. Now, I get that in a few rare cases it's some genetic disorder or another but... there is ALWAYS shaving, waxing, even dying it! But no, these women leave it, and I have to stare at a fuzzy catapillar on their lips and try not to act rude. Honestly though, what -is- the appropriate response for dealing with someone with a mustache?

In other news, totally unrelated, the ACT is boring and I am thoroughly amused with the band name "Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin"