Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bad Movies

One has to wonder what goes into those horrible grade D films you see on tv; the ones that never reach the teathers, that never raise a lot of revenue; as an avid addict of these shows, I decided to compile a list of the factors fueling a bad movie.

1. First, you need over reached steryotypes. Such as a shark-fishing movie I was watching on the beach- it's the beach, so of course everyone is Blonde.

2. Over-dramatic acting is a must. Anything complacent and it won't do the trick. You need people to rip their heart out and lay it in the table when they act. Otherwise, it won't work.

3. Stupid graphics are a must too; again in that shark movie, whenever the sharks swam away, they had the same 1 clip they continually replayed. Over and Over. It also helps to have bad special effects; like a when a car falls down a cliff, in mid air it should explode. For no good reason.

4. It always helps to have a cheesy love story. Enough said on that :)

If your looking for a bad movie I have a few suggestions; Shark Swarm, Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer, Pumpkin. :) Enjoy.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Haha. I want to see Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer! You brought it up one day and it sounds really funny. :P