Friday, May 23, 2008


So the other day something happened that is sorely lacking in my school; someone, a stranger to me, was unnessicarly kind. It happened in the wee hours of the morning, before 0 hour had started. I, parched, had found my feet leading me to the vending machine, where I entered my dollar and punched in the code for my favored citrus-flavored water. Yet nothing came. The sides flinched, but failed to release my sought-after beverage! I was distruat, and I most of voiced my annoyance, as a girl next to me turned. "Did the machine steal your dollar?" she questioned, and I said yes, shaking it pathetically with my palms. It was then she did something I hardly reckoned she would; she gave me a dollar.

Now, in some ways it may seem little. A dollar- so what? But to me it meant a lot. She was a complete stranger, unbeknowst to me, handing me another dollar of her own money to buy water for myself. I accepted it graciously and thanked her, and she left.

I don't know her name, nor who she is, but I was touched a bit. SO often I am disallusioned by the emotionless grunts and shoves of the hallway. But I must admit, it made my day. A small little act. I just hope I can pass on the kindness someday :)

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