Friday, May 2, 2008


One thing I hate with being a junior is the ardorous task of looking for colleges. Now, college itself sounds amazing- I've been a senior in spirit, probably since about sophomore year. And I am so ready to start college, to stop going to school -every- day. I'd already much rather have, say, mountains of homework, and no class, then no homework and going to class every day for a week.

The problem, too, is not that I don't know what I want to be- I have a pretty good idea. I want, probably, to go into Japanese, and something else like art or writing as well- I've gotten this down to at the very least, the liberal arts areas.

The problem is, though, that I don't want to go through the process of selecting, researching, and visiting schools.. I just want to find the right one magcially. Like by a unicorn coming to me on flying hamburgers. If that happened, I'd know it'd be the right school- honestly, how could it -not- be?

-sigh- I havent really even taken time to think about this yet- I still have highschool to deal with until June 6th at tweleve thirty... and until then, I don't think i'll worry about the problem of college.

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