Friday, May 23, 2008

Egale vs. Shark

Last night I watched a very odd movie; not a bad one, mind you, but an odd one all the same.

It was called "Eagle vs. Shark"

It's about a girl, who works at a fast-food restaurant, and everyday, at the same hour, a man arrives and orders lunch; until one day he gives her an invitation to a party he's hosting, where people are supposed to come as their favorite animal. She comes as a shark, and he's an Eagle. (Thus the title!) Basically, she then agrees to come with him to his home town to help plot and beat up his old high school arch nemeses.

Sufficient to say it's rather quirky. In some way's like Napoleon Dynamite, only a bit more "adult" and they all have New Zelander Accents :)

I liked it though. While it was weird, it didn't have the wholly silly atmosphere that Nap. Dynamite does. Plus, they have really cool accents.

And her shark costume rules everything :P

Heres and official trailer. It's won a lot of awards too, at Sun dance and other large movie places.

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